THE WAVE PICTURES Little Surprise: 1:38 - 1:56 In England, David Tattersall sings "Hare Krishna." His group is called "The Wave Pictures" and the song is called "Little Surprise." The song is from the album, "Beer in the Breakers." ♪ A letter from Simon in Prospect Park, Brooklyn ♪ ♪ One cigarette paper, torn magazine cover ♪ ♪ One leaflet for Jesus and one Hare Krishna ♪ ♪ All fall out onto the table ♪ From: (Published on May 10, 2011 by "promoacuarela") THE WAVE PICTURES Little Surprise (Video Title),2011 (Video Upload Year),David Tattersall (Musical Artist),yt:cc=on This clip was discovered by using the following search: